European social democrats initiated the European Green Deal, an ambitious 30-year project involving fundamental legislative and cultural changes to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, make the EU climate neutral by 2050 and secure our continent's energy and food supply. The European Green Deal is not merely an environmental initiative, but an opportunity to forge a future that is green, prosperous, fair and socially just.
Progressive cities and regions are frontrunners in making the Green Deal an accessible and affordable solution for all: From championing the fundamental right to breathe clean air to ensuring universally accessible and affordable quality food and housing.
Ahead of the next European elections 2024, we call for a clear commitment from Europe to support our efforts to make the Green Deal a #FairGreenDeal for every citizen.
15 requests for a #FairGreenDeal
At the campaign's launch event, progressive local and regional leaders adopted the declaration "A fair Green Deal for all. 15 proposals to energise cities and regions". It calls for promptly implementing relevant EU legislation, such as on improving air quality, making food systems fairer and healthier, eradicating energy and mobility poverty, and boosting green investments. It will feed into the 2024 European elections Manifesto of the Party of European Socialists (PES), to be adopted at the PES Congress on 10 November 2023 in Malaga.
Read the declaration here in Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | English | Estonian | Finnish |French | German | Greek | Hungarian | Italian |Latvian | Lithuanian | Maltese | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Slovak | Slovenian | Spanish| Swedish.
Tell us your #ProgressiveLocalStories!
Is your city or region promoting a fair and inclusive transition through innovative actions and you believe that other cities and regions can learn from it? Does your city or region have an inspiring story to share? We want to know more! Get in touch with us at You can get inspired by the many stories already collected below.