Friday 26 November 2021 - Saturday 27 November 2021

#ProgressivesSpeakUp: School of young local politicians

#ProgressivesSpeakUp: School of young local politicians

15.00 - 18.00
School for young local leaders
from: English
Young local leaders , Green Deal

The #ProgressivesSpeakUp: School of young local politicians reaches its second edition! 

We often hear that young people are the future, but it is high time that they are empowered to become the protagonists of the change Europe needs. Their courage is needed to implement a new way to do politics and there is no better place to start than at local and regional level!

Promoting clean public transport, renewable energy, affordable housing, green jobs - from Paris to Lisbon, Budapest to Malmö, progressive politicians are leading the fight from the ground for a more sustainable Europe in which no people and no places are left behind. And it is often young local leaders who are making change happen, with their innovative, and bold actions to fight the climate crisis and rising inequalities.

Time has come to #GreenUp! 

Together with the Network of Young Councillors of the Young European Socialists (YES), we were proud to host the second edition of our School of young local politicians, a training for young people from all over Europe, elected at local or regional level.

This year’s School focused on an important priority of European progressives, the European Green Deal. At #GreenUp: Planting the seeds of a just Green Deal at the local level”, participants had the chance to share their progressive local stories, discuss mobilisation strategies, debate with a bunch of inspiring speakers and come up with new ideas together for a local and just Green Deal.

The School took place on 26-27 November 2021 in Seville, Spain, a city led by a socialist Mayor, Juan Espadas, which is a model for sustainability and cooperation.

Applications for this School are now closed :( We hope to see you next year for the 2022 edition!

What is this all about? Check out the last edition

Curious how such an event may look like? Check out the first edition of our School, which took place in Brussels in 2019. 

Europe’s sustainable future lies in your (progressive) hands!

Draft programme


Friday, 26 November 2021

Centro Abades Triana, Calle Betis, 69, 41010 Seville (Spain)

15.00 – 16.30
Study visit to local projects on sustainable development

17.00 – 19.00
Public event “Just a Green Deal or a Just Green Deal? The perspective of progressive regions and cities”

19.00 – 20.00
Closing reception

Detailed information on the programme of this first day is available here



Saturday, 27 November 2021

Espacio Santa Clara, C. Becas, S/N, 41002 Seville, Spain

#GreenUp: Planting the seeds of the Green Deal at the local level

9:15 – 9:45

9:45 – 10:00

  • Ana Pirtskhalava, Secretary General of the Young European Socialists 

  • Christophe Rouillon, President of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions

10:00 – 11:30
Our Green Deal: building a sustainable and just recovery for all

  • Kata Tüttő, Deputy-Mayor of Budapest and Vice-President of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Region

  • Pascal Smet, Secretary of State of the Brussels Region for Urbanism and international relations, and member of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions

  • Moderated by: Ana Pirtskhalava, Secretary General of the Young European Socialists 

11:45 – 13:30
World Café | Green Deal: progressive local stories

13:30 – 14:30

14:30 – 16:00
Green Deal: how to make it work on the ground

  • Esperanza Caro Gómez, DG Sustainable Development, Financing and External Action, Seville City Council

  • Eugenia Mansutti, Projects coordinator and Policy Advisor in charge of the Covenant of Mayors, Climate and Energy, Eurocities 

  • Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director-General Mobility and Transport, European Commission

  • Moderated by: Michael Forte, Political advisor of the Party of European Socialists

16:15 – 17:45
Mobilising and campaigning for the Green Deal

  • Chris SaltmarshCo-founder of “Labour for a Green New Deal” and author of “Burnt: Fighting for Climate Justice” 
  • Georvin Bugeja, YES Vice-President in charge of Sustainable development and the Just Transition
  • Michele Albiani, Local councillor of Milan, Italy, and Rainbow Rose activist
  • Moderated by: Jose Santoro, PES Advisor Target Groups and Secretary General of Rainbow Rose

17:45 – 18:00

18:30 – 21:30
Political reception on Progressive and Sustainable Cities, hosted by Party of the European Socialists

