School for young progressive local and regional leaders
School for young progressive local and regional leaders
We hear all too often that young people are the future, but it is high time they were empowered to change the present in order to build the future.
Progressive cities and regions are laboratories of innovation and, increasingly, they have also become places of resistance against populist and nationalist forces. Inside small towns and big cities alike, it is often young local leaders who are in charge of making change happen, by creating more sustainable communities, fighting the climate crisis and growing social inequality, and changing the way local democracy works.
This is why the Party of European Socialists Group (PES) was proud to host more than fourty young progressive local and regional politicians from all over Europe for a two-day event on 29-30 November 2019, partly organised in cooperation with the Young European Socialists (YES) and the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament (S&D Group).
Since March 2019, the European Committee of the Regions has launched an initiative to involve Young Elected Politicians elected at local and regional level in its works. As PES Group, we have made this commitment a priority and want therefore to strengthen this network in order to build a more progressive and sustainable Europe from the ground up.
Friday 29 November 2019
Opening session
@ European Parliament, Room A3G-3
Arrival at the European Parliament and registration
Welcome and presentations by PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions, S&D Group in the European Parliament and Young European Socialists
Moderator: Maj Jensen, Secretary general of the Young European Socialists
- Iratxe García Pérez, President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament (video message)
- Alícia Homs Ginel, Member of the European Parliament and President of the Young European Socialists
- Yoomi Renström, First Vice-President of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions
- Frazer Clarke, S&D Deputy Secretary General
Keynote speeches
- Delphine Houba, Alderwoman of Culture and Tourism of the City of Brussels, Belgium
- Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission, Executive Vice-President Designate for the European Green Deal
Panel debate “Youth up political decisions for the future
Hannelore Goeman, Flanders Regional Parliament, Belgium
Harun Muharemovic, city councillor Brøndby, Denmark, and Coordinator of YES Young City and Regional Councillors Network
Tsvetelina Penkova, MEP, Bulgaria
Lunch and speed-dating with the European Committee of the Regions
14.00 – 18.00Panel debates
@ European Committee of the Regions, Room JDE 53
From local democracy to European democracy
- Moderator: Martin Maréchal, Journalist at “BXFM 104.3” and member of the Belgian Socialist Party
- Welcome speech: Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Committee of the Regions
- Yves Dejaeghere, Professor University of Antwerp and G1000 member, Belgium
- Elisa Lironi, Senior Manager European Democracy, European Citizens Action Service
From #FridaysForFuture to local action
- Moderator: Martin Maréchal, Journalist at “BXFM 104.3” and member of the Belgian Socialist Party
- Umberto Costantini, Mayor of Spilamberto, Italy
- Claire Roumet, Director, Energy Cities
- Antoni Vicens i Vicens, Director of External Relations of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Member of the European Committee of the Regions
Networking reception
@ European Committee of the Regions, atrium 5
Saturday 30 November 2019
Presentation on studies about millennial generation and generation Z in regards to political participation
@ Party of European Socialists Headquarter, Rue Guimard 10-12, Brussels.
- Maria Freitas, Senior Policy Advisor, Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Parallel workshops
How to run the SDGs agenda at local level?
- Moderators: Elisha Winckel and Samuel Guron, YES Vice-Presidents
- Laura Sparavigna, Local councillor of Florence, Italy
How to use EU funds for building a progressive city/region?
- Nicola De Michelis, Director for Smart and Sustainable Development and Programme Implementation in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
How to influence policy at European level as young councillor?
- Moderator: Maria Freitas, Senior Policy Advisor, Foundation for European Progressive Studies
- Harun Muharemovic, councillor Brøndby, Denmark, and Coordinator of YES Young City and Regional Councillors Network