Party of European Socialists Group elects new leadership to advocate for regions and cities

Luca and Kata
Party of European Socialists Group elects new leadership to advocate for regions and cities

Today the Party of European Socialists Group in the European Committee of the Regions held its constitutive meeting for the beginning of the new mandate of the institution. With more than 170 members and alternates, the PES Group remains the second biggest political family in the European political assembly of cities and regions.  

PES Group Members of the 2025-2030 mandate in the European Committee of the Regions

Since its creation, the PES Group has been a driving force for progressive policies in the European Committee of the Regions, advocating for equality, democracy, and solidarity. Its members have played a key role in shaping EU legislation that impacts citizens directly, from climate action plans to cohesion funding and sustainable urban development. 

The PES Group has nominated Kata Tüttő, City Councillor of Budapest(Hungary), as its candidate for the presidency of the European Committee of the Regions. "The European Committee of the Regions is Europe’s stabiliser, bridging the gap between citizens and the decisions that shape their future. In times of uncertainty and fragmentation, local leaders are key to uniting Europe and turning challenges into progress. Our role is not to fight change, but to guide it—minimising suffering and ensuring that no region, community, or citizen is left behind. It is our responsibility to provide certainty where there is doubt, create connections where there is fragmentation, and bring hope where there is fear.", stated Kata Tüttő. 

Luca Menesini, Councillor of the Province of Lucca (Italy) was elected as the new President of the PES Group. “It is an honour and a great responsibility for me to take on the leadership of the Group of the Party of European Socialists in the European Committee of the Regions. Building on my experiences at the local level in Lucca, in the heart of Tuscany, I will fight for a fairer and stronger Europe, close to people and their needs. A Europe anchored in its regions and cities, one that prioritises the right to housing, people’s wellbeing and the future of our planet at the top of its agenda. The European dream must be built bottom up, starting from our territories and communities, and the aspirations of each one of us. I will fight for a Europe that protects us and that really belongs to people, to all of us.", declared Luca Menesini.

Joining him in the Group’s executive body are Antje Grotheer, President of the Bremen State Parliament (Germany), as First Vice-President of the PES Group, along with Nathalie Sarrabezolles, Departmental Councillor of Finistère (France), Haris Doukas, Mayor of Athens (Greece), Joško Klisović, President of the City Assembly of Zagreb (Croatia) and María Chivite Navascués, President of Navarre (Spain), who will serve as Vice-Presidents.

Looking ahead, the PES Group will focus on contributing to the priorities of the new EU mandate, ensuring that progressive values remain at the forefront of the European agenda. Through its members’ active engagement and policy proposals, the Group aims to shape an inclusive, sustainable, and united Europe that delivers for its citizens.

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Note to the editor: 

The PES Group is formed by socialist, social-democratic, and left forces coming from 26 EU member states. It is currently composed of 86 full members and 80 alternate members.

The PES Group reviewed its Code of Conduct on Gender Equality that establishes quotas for leadership positions both within the Group and the European Committee of the Regions in 2024. More information is available here

The president of the European Committee of the Regions will be elected on Thursday 20 February during the CoR plenary session.

Press Contacts

Vanessa Paget
Tel: +33 7 71 63 64 37

Isabella Galimi
Tel: +32 2 282 22 29
