Cities and regions commit to making the EU an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone

11 March 2021
Cities and regions commit to making the EU an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone

The Party of European Socialists, Renew Europe, European Alliance, the Greens Groups in the European Committee of the Regions warmly welcome the European Parliament Resolution on the declaration of the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone and commit to step up the European Committee of the Regions’ work to protect LGBTIQ rights and freedoms across cities and regions.

In a joint statement, the presidents of the political groups “request the European Commission and the Council to use all tools at their disposal to ensure the effective protection and non-discrimination of LGBTIQ people and their families”.

The Party of European Socialists President and Mayor of Coulaines (France), Christophe Rouillon, stressed: “There is no place in Europe for homophobia or hate speech. It does not matter who you love, who you form a family with, or in which city or region you live, the European Union must be a safe place for everyone. Declaring the EU a LGBTIQ Freedom Zone is a strong signal to all LGBTIQ people that we will not remain silent in front of intolerance and violence. All cities and regions must act to protect their rights”.

The political groups support the social media action launched by the LGBTI Intergroup in the European Parliament to accompany the declaration of the EU as a “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” with posting pictures of rainbow flags and signs from across Europe with the hashtag #LGBTIQFreedomZone.


