Tuesday 11 October 2022

Affordable. Social. Sustainable. Local solutions for housing | World cafe

Affordable. Social. Sustainable. Local solutions for housing | World cafe

09.30 - 11.00
Progressive Local Lab
from: English
Housing , Young local leaders

Housing is a human right that must be guaranteed to everybody. But today, more than 80 million individuals, among which many young people, are affected by the lack of affordable housing in Europe. The housing emergency is a long-term challenge, but the effects of the recent crises have made this problem an urgent matter that requires progressive responses.

Local and regional authorities must be recognised and supported by the European Union in their crucial role in addressing the housing shortages in a sustainable way despite the lack of financing. To strengthen Europe’s cohesion and build a socially just and inclusive recovery, we need to make sure that every citizen benefits from decent, affordable, and sustainable housing.

Through this Progressive Local Lab that took place during the European Week of Regions and Cities, following the implementation of the PES Group campaign #HousingForAll and in the framework of the European Year of Youth, we wanted to put forward concrete ideas to support different housing policies in the future.

Participants, mainly progressive young local and regional politicians, were divided into different groups to prepare recommendations on four key topics: social housing, sustainable housing, emergency housing, and youth & housing. With the support of experts and PES Group members, they developed a joint declaration to be presented at the forthcoming PES Group meeting on the same day.

THE EVENT IS SOLD OUT, but you can follow the discussion outcomes and listen to the reaction of our closing high-level speakers (10.30-11 a.m. CEST) by registering here.



The full text of the declaration, "WANTED – New EU Housing Strategy!", adopted during the event is available in ENFRDEIT and FI.


9.30 - 9.40 Opening

  • Presenter: Michaela Kauer, Co-coordinator of the EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership and Director of the Brussels Liaison Office of the City of Vienna
  • Christophe Rouillon, President of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions, Mayor of Coulaines

9.40 - 10.30 Round tables exercise with moderators

The participants will divide into four tables, following their preference, and will create four chapters of the Declaration that will be the outcome of the participatory lab.

Each table will have a moderator who will give an introduction and input to the topic discussed to ensure a high-level discussion:

  • Social housing – Michaela Kauer, Co-coordinator of the EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership and Director of the Brussels Liaison Office of the City of Vienna
  • Sustainable housing – Kata Tüttő, Deputy-Mayor of Budapest and Vice-President of the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions
  • Emergency housing – Mikko Aaltonen, Member of Tampere City Council, Finland, and member of the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions
  • Youth & housing – Alice Pittini, Research Director at Housing Europe

10.30 - 10.50 Presentation of the draft Declaration and endorsement

Each table will select one representative to present to the entire group the outcomes of the brainstorming.

10.50 - 11.00 Closing

  • Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights at the European Commission
  • Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions and PES Group member